A term first coined when Elton would guest DJ at WNEW-FM 102.7 in New York City, Elton did a pseudo guest DJ stint for the Atlanta Journal Constitution in which he talked about the music he is currently listing to;
Celebrating Sir Elton’s 62nd With Fresh Spins | Peach Buzz
4:58 pm March 25, 2009, by Richard Eldredge
In honor of Sir Elton John’s 62nd birthday Wednesday, we opted to celebrate by assembling a new edition of EJ the DJ for Buzz readers.
So what exactly is EJ the DJ?
Well, whenever we have a conversation with the Peachtree Road resident, we ask John, arguably the world’s biggest music fan, to let us in on what he’s currently listening to.
We essentially snatched the idea from the pop star’s decades-long tradition of popping by radio stations here and across the pond to spin his favorite new artists.
As usual, John delivered a diverse batch of tunes and artists, a few of which can’t be instantly obtained in the U.S., even if a multitude of record shops still existed.
First up, Sir Elton is hooked on the single “Walking on a Dream” from Australia duo Empire of the Sun. The MGMT-esque pop pairing is a collaboration between The Sleepy Jackson’s Luke Steele and Pnau frontman Nick Littlemore. The single and remixes can currently be downloaded off iTunes. Empire’s full debut album is due stateside April 21.
“They’ve got a terrific sense of melody,” John told us. “I was just listening to it again this morning.”